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.jpg) Code: 195 | |
Černý čaj assámského typu, velmi dobře svinutý list vysoké kvality s velkým podílem zlatavých tipsů. |  Code: 198 | |
Standard quality grade of black broken Turkish tea from the Rize region. Infusion of a strong and full taste. |  Code: 247 | |
High grade of Yunnan black tea from the Lincang area. Iinfusion of a distinctively floral-sweet taste with strong honey and chocolate aroma. |  Code: 248 | |
A very good medium grade black tea from the Ying De area. The infusion has an very good, full-bodied, balanced, bittersweet chocolate flavour with slightly almond notes. |
.jpg) Code: 420 | |
Směs několika druhů černého čaje zabalená v plechové dóze. | |