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-imperial-black-tea.jpg) Code: 244 | |
Exclusive Chinese black tea from Bailing region in the Taim Mountains foothills, classified as one of the three most famous black teas of Congou type. |  Code: 247 | |
High grade of Yunnan black tea from the Lincang area. Iinfusion of a distinctively floral-sweet taste with strong honey and chocolate aroma. |  Code: 249 | |
Very good midlla quality grade of Keemun black tea. An evenly rolled tiny leaf with light sweet caramel aroma. |  Code: 250 | |
Netypická, zcela výjimečná třída čaje Keemun, list s mimořádně vysokým podílem zlatavých tipsů.
Vzhledem k omezenému množství nelze u tohoto čaje objednat vzorek zdarma. |
 Code: 252 | |
Slightly atypical but absolutely excellent quality grade of Keemun tea from spring crop. Infusion of a brisk, full and absolutely harmonious, honey-sweet taste and plain chocolate aroma. |  Code: 253 | |
Particularly popular variety of Keemun tea. A leaf of the first quality grade and an atypical look, infusion of a delicious taste. |
.jpg) Code: 775 | |
Excellent black tea from spring crop. Infusion of a full, rich, body, sweet-honey taste. | -superior-black-tea.jpg) Code: 777 | |
An excellent grade of black tea from the Fuding region. Infusion of an excellent, full, balanced, pleasantly slightly bittersweet flavour with a hints of sweet chocolate aroma. |
-special-black-tea.jpg) Code: 778 | |
| -imperial-black-tea.jpg) Code: 780 | |
.jpg) Code: 782 | |
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